Behrens Consulting, LLC

Questions - contact Mark Behrens at

Behrens Consulting, LLC is organized in Minnesota and specializes in Polymer Processing (neat polymers, reactions, extrusion of films, adhesives), SCADA systems, OT Security.  Manufacturing capital project management experience from scoping, project proposal, selling, implementation with teams of engrs (Mfg, Automation, Controls, EE, ChEn, ME). 

A wide range of projects can be undertaken.  Anything for which your resources don't have expertise or bandwidth.  38+ years of working for a large multinational US corporation with 6+ years in Germany, and long-term business assignments in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, UK, and China have shown necessity is the mother of invention!

 Mentoring of less experienced engineers or non-engineers is always expected;  the goal is to enable self-sufficiency, personal responsibility, and pride in a job well-done!  

A job not done well, just stinks!

©2023, Mark S. Behrens